Liebe Veranstalter, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
The Göteborg Ballet legte ein schillerndes Debut auf ihrer US-Tour hin: “The Göteborg Balett dazzles in West Coast debut” (The Oregonian). Über 3600 Zuschauer kamen um die herausragende schwedische Tanzkompagnie live auf der Bühne zu sehen: The Göteborg Ballet startete beim White Bird Festival in Portland, Oregon und setzte ihren Erfolg im Carolina Performing Arts, Chapel Hill, North Carolina fort.
Die zeitgenössische Tanzkompagnie nahm die US-Besucher völlig mit ihrem All-Nordic Program ein: Falter von Johan Inger, Beethoven’s 32 Variations von Örjan Andersson und OreloB von Kenneth Kvarnström. Das Publikum war begeistert - jede Show endete mit Standing ovations.
"... the three-part repertory program gives voice to Beethoven in crisp neoclassical abstraction beautifully accompanied on live solo piano, shatters Maurice Ravel's "Boléro" in aggressively industrial sound and movement, and conjures an eerie wasteland with hand-held lights and ominous curtains of thick rope, behind which the dancers fight for survival." The Oregonian
"If the three pieces the company performed are representative, the journey from traditional to contemporary is complete." Oregon ArtsWatch
"It’s rhythmic, sexy, trancelike – maybe something like Ravel’s music was when it was fresh, before it became commonplace." Oregon ArtsWatch, on Kenneth Kvarnström’s OreloB

"Kenneth Kvarnstrom’s OreloB (that’s Bolero backwards) was an almost immediate pick-me-up, a piece in which the music and dance were completely intertwined, feeding inventively off of each other and creating an almost narcotic transformation, a dervish sensory swirl, in the audience." Oregon ArtsWatch on Kenneth Kvarnström’s OreloB
Bei allen weiteren Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: GöteborgsOperan Jenny Jernberg Pressereferentin Phone: +46 31-10 80 35
